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Essential Oils

Carving a healthier path one drop at a time

How It All Began...

If there is one thing that has changed my life it’s essential oils, not just any essential oils but therapeutic grade essential oils. I was introduced to these more than a half a decade ago and since then I have not gone a day without them. 


In my teens, I discovered that I was allergic to pretty much all the off-the-shell perfumes I ever tried (and I tried a lot of them). I would break out in rashes if I used them directly on my skin. This of course was a bummer considering that I have always loved to smell good, I still smelt good, don’t worry, but I had to spray the perfume on my clothes & not on my skin. Someone suggested that I use essential oils, EOs as I like to call them, instead and thus began a new life for me. It would be long before I used really pure therapeutic grade oils, but the spark and the love of EOs had already been ignited. I started purchasing whichever ones I could get my hands on that smelt good and started experimenting with them making my own fragrances. Some turned out great and others, well ... not quite but the process was always fun for me. 

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Quality Essential Oils...

Being introduced to therapeutic grade essential oils was a game changer, I had finally discovered EOs that were unadulterated, had no fillers and were even safe enough to ingest in most cases. As a go-all-in type of person, the second I received my enrollment kit I dove right in, using it daily, in as many ways as I could, learning about the oils as I went along. To my beautiful surprise, I went from only using them aromatically to having them as a strong pillar in my health & wellbeing. 


What I love most about EOs is how versatile they are, making them ideal to use physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually. For instance, wild orange can be used to uplift the mood, peppermint can be used to better focus mentally, frankincense is incredible for meditation & spiritual connection, eucalyptus is a great chest opener aiding in keeping seasonal threats at bay and lavender can be used to de-stress as well as aid sleep. These are just some highlights of what EOs can do.

By now EOs are such an integral part of my life, I simply am not willing to live life without them. The drop of lemon oil in my warm water in the mornings when I wake up helps with detoxifying my body. Inhaling the EO blend called breathe just before my work out or any time I feel overwhelmed, diffusing peppermint mixed with wild orange oil in the afternoons to help me focus on my work while also feeling uplifted, rubbing ginger EO on my lower belly when menstrual cramps hit, rubbing clary sage over my pelvic region to help balance my hormones, the list goes on…you get the picture, right? EOs are incredible, they can support a healthy lifestyle in unimaginable ways.


Purity Matters ...

As mentioned in Immunity Booster, my guide book (if you don’t have it yet, grab your free copy here) you want to ensure that you are using therapeutic grade oils to get the real health benefits of EOs. The reason I use dōTERRA oils is because their oils are CPTG, Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, they go through a series of rigorous tests to ensure their purity and quality. There are no fillers, no artificial ingredients or contaminants in their oils. They have a co-impact sourcing program where they work together with the farmers in the countries where they source oils. They are truly making an impact in the health and wellness industry and I love that because they not only provide incredibly effective EOs, they also uplift communities and care for the environment. 



The world of EOs is very big, if you are new to it, it’s best to have someone help you navigate it. My team and I love our dōTERRA oils & we will be very happy for you to join our tribe. We can grow together on this rewarding healthy lifestyle journey. So, you don’t only get great oils, you also get us, like minded people who are intentionally creating happy, healthy lives.


How To Purchase dōTERRA Oils

How do you purchase dōTERRA oils?

The best way to purchase these oils is with a wholesale membership because all products are 25% off and you have an opportunity to accumulate points that you can use to purchase products with. 


How to buy dōTERRA oils with wholesale membership?

Depending on where in the world you currently reside, choose from the 3 options given below. Please note, registration is about where you currently live, for delivery purposes, not which nationality you are, so please select according to your current place of residence.

A: All countries (except USA & China) Sign Up

If your country of residence does not appear in the drop down list, please email me here so I can assist you.

  1. CLICK THIS LINK to go to the dōTERRA sign up page. 

  2. Choose your country and language.

  3. Fill out your name, address, billing address, shipping address and remaining contact info.

  4. Select “Wellness Advocate” as this gives you the option to receive compensation for sharing dōTERRA. 

  5. In “Enroller ID” enter 6716590. Make sure that you leave this box checked, as it will ensure that you are placed under my team. Sponsor ID enter the same number as Enroller ID.

  6. Best is to select an enrollment starter kit (this option waivers the enrolment fee). Alternatively, choose whichever products you’d like to start with, and add the enrollment fee.

  7. Set up your optional Loyalty Rewards Program, LRP. This is a rebate program that gives you free product points and free products every month. Once you’ve set up your account, it is the smartest way to purchase your oils. Remember it is optional, you can set it up now or later. 

  8. Complete your purchase. Congratulations! You are a dōTERRA member. Take note of your dōTERRA number & password, keep them safe.

  9. Send me an email here with the a short note telling me that you have signed up, give me the full name you used on your dōTERRA account, and tell me which oils purchased so I send your way a welcome email with relevant training materials. I can’t wait for you to join our tribe, receive your EOs and get started.


Please watch video #1 above for a visual on how to set up your wholesale account.

B: USA Sign Up

If you currently live in the USA & want your goods to be shipped to a US address. 

Follow the steps given in option A above, the only difference is that in the US Market you select your products first and then fill out your information. Selecting an enrollment starter kit will waiver the USD35 enrollment fee. You are welcome, of course, to individually pick oils.


Please watch video #2 above for a visual on how to set up your wholesale account in the USA.

C: China Sign Up

If you currently reside in China & goods will be shipped to a Chinese Address

1. Without going through VPN please click on this link.

2. You are taken to How Do You Know dōTERRA page, it is default selected to Friend, enter my 

PC Number, 00436629 & verify name *afadzwa Mandiringa

3. Select preferred customer

4. Fill in all the required info. If you are foreign, fill in your name as it appears on your passport & visa page.

5. Check 优惠顾客政策 (it means you agree to the terms)

6. Fill out your delivery address

7. Set up your loyalty rewards program, this is optional

8. Select your products. Best is to select an enrollment starter kit,  alternatively, choose whichever individual products you’d like to start.

9. Complete your purchase. Congratulations! You are a dōTERRA member. Take note of your dōTERRA PC number & password, keep them safe.

10. Send me an email here with the a short note telling me that you have signed up, give me the full name you used on your dōTERRA account, and tell me which oils purchased so I send your way a welcome email with relevant training materials. I can’t wait for you to join our tribe, receive your EOs and get started.

Please watch video #3 above for a visual on how to set up your wholesale account in China.



Looking forward to seeing you on the other side.

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